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Monday, January 23, 2012

More thoughts

Sometimes I feel like my orthodox thoughts are becoming more and more controversial, like the "radical" movement is now the norm and I am less socially acceptable because of it.

"Necessary" and "Success" are two words that I have ductility spelling considering the vast numbers in which I use them.

I once made a sentence much more awkward than in needed to be because I refused to end it with a preposition.

I like to think of myself as eloquent.

Double negative statements peeve me. Don't tell me to don't not do something, Cathy. I take things literally.

In grade school I think I was the only person who would know an answer, but I never raised my hand because what if I was wrong? I wasn't.

On those "What do you want to learn?" charts that we filled out, my questions were never answered. I'm still bitter about that.

I think my dad got my computer fixed, but I haven't touched it. I fear the death screen of blue.

Dracula is actually a pretty boring read after chapter four the second time reading.

I've gotten into uncharted territory in my novel. I'm both terrified and exited. I also need a new outline.

If not for this one friend, I probably would have committed suicide a long time ago.

I am clinically depressed and I haven't been taking my medication. It suppresses my ability to recall dreams and after several months of not being medicated, the dreams have returned. So has the depression.
Goodbye awesome dreams.

A doctor once asked me if I had vivid dreams. I don't know if this related to my depression or the psychosis of the time. Probably the latter.

I am really bad at going anywhere and I only go to school because I have to. I do however, really love road trips. Maybe I'll just live in a van wile traveling to no destination. Sounds good.

Oh wait. Petrol costs.

I am what my mother would call a non-practicing hermit.

I really like being at church and that environment and the people and I fully believe in my faith, but I don't like to go. I am a horrible person.

I go to a seminary class in the morning before school with other youth from church.

I don't swear in real life, unless I'm repeating someone's statement or question and forget to censor myself. I don't know if anyone notices when I slip up, but I do notice and It makes me hate myself.

I used one swear in my novel so far and I'm still uncomfortable about it. SPOILERS~ The line occurs where one character is dying and he/she/it says to the murderer, "Damn you," and promptly after dies.~END SPOILERS It's not vulgar and is used with the proper denotation, yet I still question my heavily weighted choice.

 Sometimes I don't want to be who I am, but I also don't see other alternatives.

I have a poor self esteem. I pretend to have an inflated ego.

There's this librarian at my local library (that's were librarians are) who looks like the author John Green. I must get a picture for side-by-side comparisons. I don't know how to do this without sounding like a creepy chick.

I have the SAT Saturday. I feel like my education up to this point has been inadequate.

My second grade teacher was ancient and had Alzheimer's disease. They replaced her my third grade year. Thanks, Pennsylvania school systems.

I was very diligent about homework until fifth grade, when I realized that I would only live eighty years (or so) more and I didn't want to spend any more time doing "busy work."

I'm not homophobic, I just think that it's wrong. "but animals do it too" is a poor excuse in my sight. Humans  have a higher cognitive ability that sheep and dogs and birds and what-have-you. We, the "most successful of all mammals," should aspire to greater things.

I don't see why normally sane people happily ingest poisons.

Apparently, what you do in your live effects your genes and can be passed on to your children. Don't believe me?

I think William Churchill's last words are the best. WATCH THIS!

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