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Saturday, January 14, 2012

As it Comes to Mind . . .

Broken computers make me sad. This is especially true when the computer in question is the one I use. I hate the blue screen of death.

Matt Smith  has a most difficult face to draw. It has come to the point where I mutter "Your freaking face!" when I do my Doctor Who comic.

Mint chocolate chip ice cream is my favorite

The words "ice cream" became scary after viewing the episode Silence in the Library.

There weren't any of the Silence in that library that I can remember.

Spell-check is my hero.

Disregard boys. Acquire cats.

"When you have children . . .!" Not gonna happen mom. I am forever alone.

Does the wish still count if all the birthday candle lights don't go out? I don't think so, which sucks; I didn't get all the candles. I wished for a mad man in a big blue box.

We have a Doctor Who encyclopedia. It's called "The Encyclopedia" because it's the only one that will ever matter. Wikipedia's got nothing on it.

The baddie in the 2009 GI Joe movie is Christopher Eccleston aka The Ninth Doctor and Barth Crouch Jr. in   the fourth Harry Potter movie is David Tennant. Guess what movies I can never take seriously any more: the Twilight saga.

I feel happiness when I eat a potato.


"A new era must now begin, a time where magic and science can coincide; the seven will become one."
--I tweet quotes from my book, or rather, I tweet quotes that I think of that I might later put in my book. 

I love how the My Clean PC commercials are geared toward the technologically illiterate, ergo my mum.

I sometimes mix up the terms i.e. and e.g.

I once tweeted the words HAPPY BIRHTDAT. Shame

I dread the day when I have to carry my twenty-ish pound dalek sculpture home from school.

I once told the entire plot-line and a bunch of secrets to a friend. She is now obligated to be my best friend, whether we want it so or not.

As a child, I wanted to be a paleontologist, then an oceanographer, now I just want to be a hobo. Where has my life gone?

I did my happy dance in front of my peers once. I am the cool kid in school.

"I didn't pay for your collage tuition to become an engineer so that you could go out into a field and through pumpkins!" is what I imagine some parents would say to their punkin-chuckin' ilk.

I have a crush on this guy. I don't think he likes me.

The day I turned eighteen, I played Skyrim and napped.

A proxy server based in the UK has solved all of my telly-watching problems.

I can bounce gobstoppers off the floor and into my mouth. I've mad skills.

I have mixed feelings about showing people my artwork. On one hand, I want people to see it, but on the other hand I'm getting a bit tired of the these-are-really-good-I-wish-I-could-draw-like-that-where-did-you-learn-to-do-that reaction. Do you see all of those flaws? Look, I'll show you: there and there and there and there.

My favorite quote right now is from James May: "It's an ingenious solution to a problem that should never have existed."

I am compiling a list of favorite words:
I am a nerd.

Unintentionally, this is possibly the funniest thing I have ever said: "I can tell the difference between Robert Frost, Edger Allan Poe and angsty fourteen-year-olds."

"Sometimes the most logical decision is wrong and the right thing to do is least wise." the sentence I am most proud of writing.

I often feel bad when I could be spending my precious little time I have on earth doing more important things, like finishing my novel.

My little younger brother once told me to "Just eat the monkey!"

My autistic step-sister makes an indignant noise whenever she thinks I'm getting food in the kitchen.

My step-mother has a whole lot of pet peeves. I just have the one: double negatives and other habitual, poorly executed sentence structures.

A conversation I am all too familiar with:
"It is difficult to write onomatopoeia for the sonic screwdriver and the TARDIS."
"What do they sound like?"
"Well, the first sounds like this," at that point I pull up the sonic screwdriver app and use it, "and the second sounds like keys scraping on old piano strings--played backwards."

I still don't see what spoons have anything to do with psychic pokémon.

I am the only person in my Integrated Chemistry/Physics class who wants to be there and learn how to build nuclear warheads stuff.

I think the ice cream bits on the lid make an excellent Rorschach test.

I liked the short story "Flowers for Algeron."

I was the only kid in my eight-grade American History class who appreciated the teacher's jokes. My peers are still idiots.

I watched the Doctor Who Christmas specials all in the wrong order.

I'm the best clay-wedger in my ceramics class (sans instructor).

"That's not a word."
I invented it, just like Theodor Seuss Geisel and Shakespeare invented words .

I love it when a forget about a particular web comic and then there are fifty pages of delicious awesome for me to savor.

If Doctor Who had been more successful that Star Trek in the beginning, would we have screwdrivers that text and play tunes, rather than phones?

I feel like society is more accepting of dog people rather than cat people.

My little younger brother is at the Winter formal dance. I'm typing up a blog post. 
I am forever alone.

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