Blog Archive

Saturday, March 10, 2012



My brain does not work like that of normal people. For example when confronted with the insult "nerd," my brain goes into auto translate mode and, in the words of John Green, translates the derogatory term into the following:

Hey, I noticed that you'd rather be intelligent than be stupid, 
that you'd rather be thoughtful than be vapid,
that you believe that there are things that matter more 
than the arrest record of Lindsey Lohan.

Why is that?

And of course faced with such an odd question, the inquirer is answered with a blank stare.

Of course I am a nerd. Not only do I know the names of the quarks (Up Quark, Down Quark, Strange Quark, Charm Quark, Top Quark, Bottom Quark) but I can think of about five lame puns involving the fact that Top Quark is the heaviest. (ex: You could say that the quarks are top heavy. Har har)

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